September 2021
September was a great month to come fishing. When we look at the number of trophies registered between the two places Kettle Falls and Caribou Falls Landing we had 70 trophy fish registered!! Whether it be walleyes, bass or pike—when fishermen would put their lines in the water wham-o-fish-on!! And we have pictures to prove it!!
Kettle Falls Lodge
We had lots of return fishermen to Halley’s but some of them were new-be’s at Kettle Falls this year as they have stayed at One Man, Caribou or one of the outposts in the past. First timers ever to Halley’s Camps, Nicholas and Chris, were looking forward to this surprise trip that was given to them by their ladies for Christmas! They caught a lot of fish and Nicholas caught the largest walleye of the year which was a 30” walleye!! Steve returned for a 5 day trip with his son Matt and they caught piles of fish and registered many trophies with the largest bass being 20.5”-whew that is a lot of bass!!
The last group of the year was Bill Jr and Bill Sr for a 90th birthday fishing trip for Bill Sr. They caught lots of fish and had a very memorable few days fishing with us. Bill caught a 21.5” smallie!!
After all the guests left Kettle for the season there was still some wrapping up to do before winter-the dock, boats and equipment were all stored for the cool Ontario winter ahead.
Caribou Falls Landing
Guests at the Landing had good fishing. We had some guests that were supposed to be at the outposts but with the fires they wanted to come fish at Caribou. Spring fishermen, like the Phillips party, came as well and Jimmy caught a trophy bass that was 18” and a 41” pike! We had the Kentucky boys that said this was by far the best fishing they have ever had in 25+ years! A new party from Chicago area found their way with casting and trolling and got piles of walleye, bass and pike and a few trophies to record! Everyone seemed to be enjoying themselves-fishing and hanging out with family and friends-so good to see!!
Moose Hunt
As the fires burnt a lot of area this summer, we decided that it was best to give the animals and area a break. We didn’t do a moose hunt at Trapline or Rex but Chris decided to do a hunt at one of our moose hunt camps. This lake is very far north and he brought his eldest son, Louis, with him to guide the 3 moose hunters. Two moose hunters were successful and the third moose hunter definitely saw some animals. They all had a memorable week!